

Postdoctoral position available

"Binge drinking: Cognitive and emotional cerebral processing"

A postdoctoral position is available to study the neural mechanisms
involved in changes in cognitive and emotional information processing
seen in binge drinkers. The position is part of a collaborative project
between the University of Picardie Jules Verne (Groupe de Recherche sur
l'Alcool et les Pharmacodépendances - GRAP ERI 24; **<http://www.u->) and the University of
Sussex in Brighton (Clinical and Behavioural Neuroscience group in the
school of Psychology; Experimental methods will include
the use of neuropsychological testing, peripheral physiological measures
recordings (including skin conductance, heart and respiratory rate; BIOPAC
system) and functional neuroimaging (fMRI 3T/1.5T) as well as
Electroencephalogram (EEG) recordings (high density EEG 128 channels;
Neuroscan), and possibly simultaneous EEG/fMRI recording. Candidates
should be highly motivated, manifest a strong interest for cognitive,
affective, social neurosciences and neurology, and should have a good
command of both English and French languages.

Researched skills are:


  Computing skills in Matlab and e-prime as well as in neuroimaging data
  analysis softwares (SPM for fMRI and Cartool/BrainVisionAnalyzer/EEG
Lab for    EEG data);

  Strong interest in psychology and cognitive neurosciences.

The successful candidate will be positioned between Brighton and France
for successive periods of six months to conduct the same experiments at
both sites. Experiments will be conducted in a longitudinal approach to
investigate how binge drinking often seen in young adults influences
cognitive and emotional functions.

The project is generously funded by a postdoctoral stipend from the
Regional Council of Picardie ( for two years. Salary
amount is 1818.60 euros/month.

Applications, including CV, list of publications, letters of
recommendations and statement of interests should be sent by email to the
three following addresses: Harold Mouras ([log in to unmask]); Theodora
Duka (
[log in to unmask]); Mickaël Naassila
([log in to unmask]). The search begins today and closes
when the position is filled.

For any complementary information, please feel free to contact any of the
three contact people
