Dear Melmoth,

Non-linear DCM is a fairly recent extension to DCM for fMRI where you can specify regions exerting an influence on the coupling between other regions.

The article introducing this extension is:

Stephan et al. Nonlinear Dynamic Causal Models for FMRI. NeuroImage, 42(2):649-662, 2008.

best wishes,

On Thu, Jul 22, 2010 at 1:13 PM, Dr Melmoth <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
Dear all

In specifying a DCM model, an option appears, after I have specified my matrices A, B and C:

"Effects of attention on regions and connections
Non-linear DCM?"

If I select yes I am then asked to specify some further matrices, e.g. 'Effects of V1 activity on connections'

If I select no it progresses straight to slice timing.

The manual doesn't cover this.  Can anyone explain what this is? Or point me to some materials which do?

Many thanks


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Hanneke den Ouden, PhD

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