

I don't think so, as the section for multiple sessions is separate from
where you specify timing parameters. You could just do two separate
models for that subject.
However, if you search the archives, I think people say that changing T
and T0 doesn't make much of a difference. If you're ok with that, you
can just use one value or the other.

Emily Stern wrote:
> Hi Experts,
> I was wondering if it were possible to set the SPM.xBF.T0 flag (reference slice for slice timing) to be different based on the session number in one design matrix. I have a design that has two sessions -- one with data acquired before a treatment and one with data acquired after a treatment -- and unfortunately the slice acquisition was different before and after treatment, so the data were slice time corrected referencing the first slice for the first session while referencing the middle slice for the second session.
> When I set up the regressors for each session within the one design matrix, I set SPM.xBF.T0 = 1 for session 1 and SPM.xBF.T0 = 8 for session 2, however, when I look at the SPM.mat file it doesn't appear as if that has been logged, and only SPM.xBF.T0 = 1 is noted. Is it possible to set two different parameters for reference slice in one design matrix (and I just haven't done it correctly), or is this not possible? (I could always re-do slice timing for one of the sessions, but that wouldn't be optimal).
> Any advice would be much appreciated!
> Emily Stern
> Emily R. Stern, Ph.D.
> Department of Psychiatry
> University of Michigan
> 4250 Plymouth Road
> Ann Arbor MI 48106