Dear Colleagues,

As part of a research project into widening participation, I am interested to hear about ways in which departments monitor individual students to identify students at risk. Much of the literature on widening participation speaks about identifying students at risk and developing ways of supporting them. Early warning signs of dis-engagement are non-attendance at lectures and seminars and late submissions or non-submissions of assignments. Does your department have ways of tracking attendance and do you have policies about following up non-attendance? Do you have philosophical positions that would object to such policies?  Though most institutions have software that records when assignments are submitted, does your department follow up on non-submission or late submission over and above deducting marks? Do you track students’ engagement in other ways? I would really like to know what you do. If your department has developed methods or policies in these areas, could you tell me about them via this list or email me directly at [log in to unmask]  . I shall observe full confidentiality about any information you give me.



Sylvia Jones


Research Fellow

Supporting Widening Participation Students’ Academic Development

Faculty of Business and Law

University of the West of England