

Frank Skinner is of course entitled to his say and his opinion. That
entitlement does not however mean that his points are accurate, valid
or worthwhile. He admits to only having been in a library about 10
times in his entire life, which if nothing else raises questions about
how he was able to get a degree, but that's a side issue.

What I find more interesting is why he decided that libraries were
worth such a vitriolic sideswipe, and why The Times decided that such
a piece of nonsense was worth publishing. That's what I find
particularly disappointing, especially when we can look around and see
how many impressive things libraries are doing. However ill informed
his opinions are, they are not uncommon and do need to be challenged.
From his interests it would appear that he lives somewhere in the
Birmingham/Wolverhampton area; could a library in the area invite him
to visit them in order to show how wrong he really is? We may then get
a rather more positive article in the future from him.

Phil Bradley: Internet Consultant, Trainer, Web designer and Author.
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