

Dear all,

After running randomize to compare my control and patient group, I visualized the tbss_tfce_corrp_tstat1 output and lots of voxels showed up as significant (setting threshold between 0.95-1).  Then, I have tried to use the cluster command with the following command : cluster -i tbss_tfce_corrp_tstat1 -t 0.95.   I get this "strange" one line only result:

Cluster Index Voxels Z-MAX Z-MAX X (vox) Z-MAX Y (vox) Z-MAX Z (vox) Z-COG X (vox) Z-COG Y (vox) Z-COG Z (vox)
1                     84510  0.998 102                 76                   21                  89.9                 105                 82.8

What does this mean?  Does that mean that there is ONLY ONE significant clusters in the differences between the two groups (that everything is connected)?

I tried the same command with tbss_tstat1, and I got a list of outputs from ranging voxel sizes.  

My idea is to find the significant clusters from the tfce tstat images (whatever threshold that is), identify the voxel locations (similar to that of featquery/atlasquery) on the JHU tract atlas, or to create masks based on these outputs (.  In addition, find the mean FA from those individual clusters for further analysis.   

I have tried options such as fslmeants/fslmaths:
fslmaths tbss_FA_tfce_corrp_tstat1.nii.gz -thr 0.95 -bin significant_results_mask
fslmeants -i all_FA_skeletonised -m significant_results_mask -o significant_results_forallmysubjects.txt
but it only gives me the whole mask, not individual clusters

Any suggestions?

Thank you in advance.