

 A postdoctoral position is available to study proteins involved in
herpesvirus entry, egress, and latency in the Heldwein lab at Tufts
University School of Medicine, Boston, MA. Work will involve overexpression
of membrane-bound and soluble proteins in eukaryotic cells followed by their
crystallization, structure determination, and biochemical analysis. See
Chowdary et al. (2010) NSMB, 17,* *882-888 for an example of our recent
work. The laboratory is fully equipped for all aspects of molecular biology,
biochemistry, protein expression, and has a crystallization robot and an
in-house x-ray diffractometer. We also have access to synchrotron facilities
at APS and BNL.

Applicants should hold a PhD in a biological science, have experience in
macromolecular crystallography or other biophysical techniques, and have a
good publication record. Experience in membrane protein expression and
characterization is highly desirable. Strong communication skills in oral
and written English are essential. To apply, please, send a letter of
interest, a CV, and names of 3 references to Dr. Katya Heldwein by e-mail:
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