Dear BASA members,

For the past nine months SCAWDI have been working with local volunteers researching Black history in the West Midlands. The project is entitled History Detectives and is supported by the HLF. Our publication and complimentary exhibition will be touring the region in October beginning with our launch on 1st October at the Friends Institute, Highgate, Birmingham. 

We have collected almost two hundred fragments noting a black individual or family in our research period, through collating existing findings and our own primary research. We have included all of these in our publication but the bulk of the work centres around a select few which our volunteers have investigated further, their stories then being told in a variety of styles. 

I have attached a flyer for our launch which I would be grateful if you could circulate.

Kind regards

David Callaghan
Heritage Officer – SCAWDI
Tel: 0121 4407778
Email: [log in to unmask]