

I dont really have anything to read, but film wise try the Studio Ghibli collection, particularly My Neighbour Totoro and Kiki's Delivery Service.

My neighbour Totoro is Japanese myths/legend and kinda spirit based, Kiki's delivery service is about a teen witch who heads off on a rite of passage to determine who and what she is good at magically.

My partner recommends a book called "The Dark is Rising" by Susan Cooper which is part of a series based on Arthurian myths and Celtic/Norse legends.

I have a book - not really Thelema based but its non-fiction called it is a really simple book to read as an introduction to magical practice, terms, ritual etc. Its called "Everything you need to know about Paganism". It kinda goes through different branches briefly and the history too. Its nice because its not complicated or academic in anyway.