


A few comments/questions:

1.) Residing up around 44 degrees North latitude, I somehow
got the idea that directional matters in the Southern Hemisphere
had been more firmly settled than appears to be the case. Just
a sort of mirror image thingy.

2.) Magical systems and ideologies developed to accommodate
local circumstances do not always apply globally. It's not the
same, exactly, as using a single time keeping or calendar set up.
Energy across the planet does not flow as a grid or at all neatly.

Now I'm puzzling over how much change to suit local circumstances
marks a significant divergence in systems and ideologies. And
how much I'm simply clinging to my own well-established habits.

For instance, I tell myself that practitioners ought to adapt to local
environments. And I do what I can to adapt. But could I comfortably
work turning to the Left in the Southern Hemisphere, or would I balk
on habits and comfortable understandings? Hmmm...

3.) It seems to me that the legacy of textual sources and ideologies
generally trumps the particulars of local environments, at least
for practitioners these days. Even though local environments
may have more potent effects on magical workings.

4.) Cross-Quarter days. The eight holiday wheel of the year
is certainly predominant these days. And it should serve pretty
well in both hemispheres. But does this wheel of the year go
back that far? Or is it a recent (post WWII) calendrical innovation?
Somewhere along the line I picked up a sense that it was a
post WWII innovation myself.

Musing Southern Cross, Northern Bear, Molten Core! Rose,
