

I'd suggest teaching her a basic protective circle ritual with a
meditation on divine union. Tell her she should do it ever day and see
how long that happens for. See if she keeps it up long enough to make it
work. This is an important lesson in magic, i.e. you have to keep at it.


Morgan Leigh
PhD Candidate
School of Sociology and Social Work
University of Tasmania

Raymond Salvatore Harmon wrote:
> Thanks to everybody for the suggestions.
> My 10 year old daughter is a huge fan of Miyazaki films, Terry Pratchett
> and other fiction (some listed here). What she is looking for now is
> something more practical. As she puts it "actual things I can do,
> spells, incantations - you know, magic." So I guess what I am looking
> for is something that is geared more in that direction. She gets tons of
> exposure to magic as a concept (through fiction literature and film) and
> we talk about the 'realities' of magic all of the time but now she wants
> to actually practice.
> Any more thoughts?
> Yours
