
On 8/29/2010 6:12 PM, Caroline Tully wrote:

Also, I’m not suggesting that northern hemisphere magickal practitioners of whatever stripe _don’t have to think_, I was saying that there can be a certain taken-for-grantedness about the *nice fit* of, say, astrology (ignoring precession) with the seasons etc. You don’t necessarily have to angst about that like we do here (IMO).

Yes, one of the things that I realized as I thought about
various points in this thread was that Northern Hemisphere
practitioners of magical systems and traditions that had
originated in the Northern Hemisphere were far more
devious than I had been told and accepted as the case.

First, they had carried those magical systems and traditions
with Northern Hemisphere roots, conventions, definitions,
and habits of doing into the Southern Hemisphere--where
all sorts of things promptly went askew. (See Caroline
Tully's articles).

Second, they began figuring out how to get those same
NH magical systems and traditions to work smoothly in
their new Southern Hemisphere environment. By quietly
re-construing and revising lots of conventions, definitions,
and ways of doing. (Local adaptations.)

Third, they made light of the adaptive changes that they
had made. At least, sources I read and folks who talked
about it to me did. Taking these at their word, I just
figured there was a little mirror imaging going on in
the Southern Hemisphere. But I've been persuaded that
circumstances for magical systems and traditions in
that zone of the planet are actually different and challenging.

To be clear, I think that the magical systems and traditions
of Northern Hemisphere origin do work in the Southern Hemisphere.
But I also think that the Northern and Southern branches
are probably something like different subspecies evolving
toward different species. (Ongoing change.)

Musing The Antipodal Quandary Stands My Magic On Its Head! Rose,
