

I have two questions concerning VBM analysis and covariates. My analysis is set up with randomise as a t-contrast, between smokers and non-smokers, with covariates for gender, age, PTSD (high cormidity with smokers in this sample), and total intracranial volume (GM + WM +CSF).
The first question is whether the the use of  total intracranial volume (TIV) is an appropriate covariate ?  It was suggested by a collaborator on this study. I understand that in FSLVBM voxels are modulated by the Jacobian derived  from the normalization step. Does this modulation address the issue of TIV or am I confusing two issues that have nothing to do with another. Also, a minor point is that Good (2001) describes 'modulation' as multiplication by the determinant of the Jacobian whereas the FSLVBM website describes dividing by the Jacobian. Any clarification would be helpful.
My second question is how to introduce a covariate for number of pack years of smoking. For obvious reasons the number of pack years (in smokers) is highly correlated with the age of the subject. How can I use pack years as an explanatory variable (covariate) when it is strongly linked to age, and that age has a robust relationship with loss of gray matter volume ?  Would I use both pack years and age as covariates and expect that the GLM will work this out because pack years is zero (or at least very low)  in the non-smoker group ?