

On 7/17/2010 5:10 PM, David Bircumshaw wrote:
> I'm glad you have a considerate cat, Ken, a rare condition  in the feline
> species. I'm having to do a 'sleep study' too ,although initially it will be
> at home with a monitor strapped on a bracelet to my wrist, I'll only need go
> in for a night if the results occasion shakings of heads. i've long
> reconciled myself to the fact that my snoring has never been alleged. Yes, a
> wise cat you have indeed!

Oh, I believe he deserves a special reward. He reminds me of Jeoffry, 
Smart's cat, but only because I can't find him a mouse to torment. But a 
tub of catnip will do. He hasn't had catnip in over 7 months and will 
remember how much he misses it when it's put in front of him.