

This year's Annual Evidence Update (AEU) on hepatitis B and C is now available on the NHS Evidence - gastroenterology and liver diseases website.  There is also a PDF version.


NHS Evidence AEUs attempt to draw together recently published, high quality evidence – focusing particularly on systematic reviews and published guidelines - which it is hoped will inform and enhance the decision making and planning of clinicians, commissioners and others involved in the process of health care.


For this Hepatitis B and C AEU updating last year's work, a detailed literature search from 2009-2010 identified 246 potential pieces of evidence (see methods for retrieving and evaluating the evidence for more information). Following a process of filtering and peer review (with thanks to the reviewers listed below) 61 of these form the basis of this AEU.


It is imperative that those involved in commissioning and delivering care are apprised of the best available evidence and guidelines against which to review their service. We hope that the AEU in Hepatitis B and C will provide a prime source of such evidence.




Matthew Hall

Information Specialist

Royal Free Hospital Medical Library

020 7794 0500 ext 34791