

Hi Chris,

> On our lcg-CE, I find my DN is mapped to a particular pool account.  I 
> want to release this pool account, so that I can be mapped to a different 
> account.
> I had assumed that deleting the link file containing my DN from 
> /etc/grid-security/gridmapdir would be enough to make this happen.  When I 
> submit another job though, I find myself mapped to exactly the same pool 
> account.

Because it happened to be the first free account in the (raw) directory?

     ls -f /etc/grid-security/gridmapdir | less

> Is this the expected behaviour, or should I have expected to have been 
> mapped to a different account?  Is deleting this link enough to free up 
> the pool account?

If you want to avoid the account from being used, either delete the file
from the gridmapdir (and remove the corresponding DN link) or link it to
some other file that does not cause problems:

     cd /etc/grid-security/gridmapdir
     ln dteam012 locked-dteam012

When the link count is larger than 1, the account is deemed occupied.