

Estimados amigos:

Here are some recent items of interest from the ALBA Blog ( at the Online Volunteer (

Special Feature Essay: Historical memory in Spain and Northern Ireland

July 8, 2010

Exclusive to the online Volunteer: A reflection on historical memory a propos of Bloody Sunday (the Saville Enquiry Report was published last month) and the Spanish Civil War, by Trisha Ziff, curator of photography (Hidden Truths: Bloody Sunday) and filmmaker (Chevolution), currently directing the documentary, La Maleta Mexicana/The Mexican Suitcase. Read the...
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Family of Miguel Hernández requests annulment of sentence

July 13, 2010

As reported earlier, the Spain's 2007  Law of Historical Memory did not annul Francoist sentences, although it did, ambiguously, declare the tribunals that issued them to be “illegitimate.” As a result, it is now up to individual victim's families to request actual legal annulments. After Andulucía's request for an annulment in the...
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The scandal of Francoist impunity

July 10, 2010

An hour-long radio debate on the impunity of Francoist repression and the possibilities of seeking of legal recourse, broadcast last month by Contratiempo. Featuring Emilio Silva, founding president of the Association for the Recuperation of Historical Memory, as well as three magistrates: Ramón Saéz Valcarcel, Ignacio Ubaldo González de la Vega, and José Miguel García...
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Documentary on Canadians in SCW online

July 10, 2010

Los Canadienses: Canadians in the Spanish Civil War, Albert Kish's hour-long documentary from 1975 on Canadian volunteers in the Spanish Civil War, is now viewable in six parts on YouTube. 
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Documentary on Agustí Centelles

July 5, 2010

The Catalan news program 30 Minuts has made an hour-long documentary on Agustí Centelles, the Spanish Civil War photographer whose archive was recently bought by the Spanish government, and whose portrait of a young black volunteer set off a global detective search. See the documentary here (in Catalan):
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Juan Negrín’s papers will be national archive

July 5, 2010

After years of hard work,Carmen Negrín, the granddaughter of Spanish Republican Prime Minister Juan Negrín, is gratified, she tells the Spanish newspaper Público, to see her grandfather's voluminous papers turned into a major national archive. Meanwhile, ALBA board member Gabriel Jackson has just published a major biography of Negrín (review forthcoming in...
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Annullment of sentences after all?

July 5, 2010

What exactly is the legal status of the hundreds of thousands of sentences issued by Francoist tribunals during and after the Civil War? To the frustration of many associated with the movement calling for a "recovery of historical memory," Spain's "Historical Memory Law" of 2007 did not include an a massive annulment of...
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Dominican Republic commemorates arrival of Spanish refugees

July 2, 2010

Seventy years ago, Rafael Leónidas Trujillo, the ruthless dictator of the Dominican Republic, welcomed the first group of Spanish Republican refugees, initiating one of the most contradictory and tragic episodes of the postwar Spanish diaspora--an event on whose  commemoration in the DR Público reports today. Trujillo's generosity toward the thousands of Spaniards fleeing Franco and...
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Radford’s new SCW film in jeopardy

June 29, 2010

La mula, a new internationally-produced Spanish-language comedy set during the Spanish Civil War--co-written and directed by Michael Radford (Il Postino)--may never see the light of day, Variety reports:

Three of Europe's highest-ranking film executives -- U.K.'s John Woodward, Spain's Ignasi Guardans and Ireland's Simon Perry -- are battling to save...
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Map of mass graves in Andalusia reveals almost 600 burial sites

June 27, 2010

The official map of mass graves dating from the Civil War in Andalusia, released after a five years of research, offers an inventory of almost six hundred different unmarked burial sites.  The mass grave at the San Rafael cemetery in Málaga is assumed to contain more than four thousand bodies, making it the...
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Surreal Friends (cont.): Horna, Varo, Carrington

June 22, 2010

More coverage, this time in the Guardian, on the exhibit of Spanish Civil War friends Kati Horna, Remedios Varo, and Leonora Carrington (see earlier post). Includes video.
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MAGNUM photo archives publicly accessible

June 22, 2010

Earlier this year Magnum, the photo agency founded by Henri Cartier-Bresson, Robert Capa, and "Chim" Seymour, sold its photojournalism archive (more than 185,000 prints) to a private investment company owned by Michael Dell, which in turn has handed it over to the Harry Ransom Center at the University of Texas in Austin. The HRC...
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Franco gave Hitler lists of Spanish Jews

June 22, 2010

Spain's dictator Francisco Franco, who won the Spanish Civil War in 1939 with significant help from Hitler Germany, repaid the favor two years later by handing the Nazi regime "a list of every Jew in his country in order to facilitate efforts to locate, deport and destroy them," today's Ha'aretz reports, based on...
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Green light for Hemingway / Gellhorn film

June 16, 2010

The Filmstage reports that James Gandolfini, aka Tony Soprano, will be producing a film on Ernest Hemingway and Martha Gellhorn for HBO, starring Clive Owen and Nicole Kidman, and directed by Philip Kaufman (The Right Stuff, The Unbearable Lightness of Being).:

Gellhorn, considered one of the greatest war correspondents of all...
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Prominent Spaniards read victims’ testimonies

June 16, 2010

Just uploaded to YouTube: "Contra la impunidad" (Against Impunity), a nine-minute video put together by Pedro Almodóvar's production company, in which a number of well-known Spanish actors and intellectuals (including Pilar and Javier Bardem, Juan Diego, and Almodóvar himself) read first-person narratives of victims of Nationalist and Francoist repression. The video emphasizes that...
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Capa and Kati Horna

June 15, 2010

Joanna Moorhead, writing in The Independent, reveals that the two Hungarian photographers of the Spanish Civil War were in love: He was the legendary war photographer, a man who alternated dodging death on battlefields with a glamorous, star-studded life-style; she was a self-effacing, left-wing intellectual who preferred to stay out of the limelight, hidden...
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Sao Paolo newspaper covers Cartier-Bresson find

June 12, 2010

Silas Martí writes in the Folha de Sao Paolo on Juan Salas' discovery of Henri Cartier-Bresson's long-lost Spanish Civil War documentary, With the Lincoln Brigade in Spain (clip here):

Na época, o artista já tinha uma reputação como fotógrafo de toada surrealista. Mas, na volta ao cinema por...
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Sebastiaan Faber
Professor and Chair
Dept of Hispanic Studies
Oberlin College
50 N Professor St
Oberlin, OH 44074-1091
tel.: (440) 775-8189
fax: (440) 775-6888
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