

hi all

I would like to start melodic loading a fsf script as i do for FEAT.

The script created by the 2 GUI are almost identical so I thought to emulate a melodic analsys as a feat pre-processing with melodic exploration. 
is it correct ?
do you have any suggestion ? 

thnks in advance

P.S. I report the differences between the two fsf files.

FEAT.fsf                                                MELODIC.fsf
set fmri(inmelodic) 0                            set fmri(inmelodic) 1
set fmri(analysis) 1                              set fmri(analysis) 7
set fmri(poststats_yn) 0                      set fmri(poststats_yn) 1

in addition the following lines exist in melodic fsf file only

# Resampling resolution
set fmri(regstandard_res) 4

# Variance-normalise timecourses
set fmri(varnorm) 1

# Automatic dimensionality estimation
set fmri(dim_yn) 1

# Output components
set fmri(dim) 1

# 1 : Single-session ICA
# 2 : Multi-session temporal concatenation
# 3 : Multi-session tensor TICA
set fmri(icaopt) 1

# Threshold IC maps
set fmri(thresh_yn) 1

# Mixture model threshold
set fmri(mmthresh) 0.5