

          An updated version of make_edges can now be downloaded from:

Many Regards


> Hi all,
> (first positing, long time lurker though).
> I'm trying out the sienna scripts on some rat structural T2-weighted data and it all
> works quite well (bet, flirt regs and fast output) and it generates flow maps which
> agree with the very obvious reduction in grey matter volume in these brain-injured rats.
> 2 questions:
> 1. I can't find the 'make_edges' script that was alluded to by Steve in a prior post (and the
> original Brain-2007 paper does not help me). I have an up-to-date install of fsl but it's not there.
> Any ideas or any instructions on how best to do this?
> 2. Despite careful cropping of the baseline and injured data inputs to ensure similar bits of brain are present
> in both, I always get the most anterior or posterior slices being labelled as 'atrophied' or 'growth enlarged' in
> the A_halfwayto_B_render.nii.gz image. My template is larger than the input brains- is this a case of not using the
> siena options: '-t  -b' ? If so, I'm not sure how to set these for the ant-post 'Z' direction in a rat.
> Thanks for any help, and BTW, you do a great service to the neuroscience community by providing such great support.
> cheers,
> -neil