

I'm trying to extract the time series from the CSF to use as nuisance covariate in a subsequent FEAT analysis.  I used BET to extract the brain from a subject, FAST to segment out the CSF, and then fslmaths to threshold only the voxels that were above 80% likelihood (following Biswal PNAS 2010).  I tried to use fslmeants with the filtered_func_data from a prior FEAT analysis to extract the time series and got the following error:

	fslmeants -i S02Q1h.feat/filtered_func_data.nii.gz -o CSF_S02Q1.txt -m S02brain_BET_5_pve_0_thr.nii.gz	
	ERROR: Mask and Input volumes have different (x,y,z) size

Which leads me to a few questions:

1)  What space is filtered_func_data in after feat is typically run?  I had assumed it was in the space of the subject's brain, rather than the standard space.

2) What tool in FSL will allow me to see the dimensions, etc of the images?

3) How do I get the mask (which is made from the subject's brain and I believe in that subject's space) into the space of the filtered_func_data?

Thanks in advance!


Darren Schreiber, J.D., Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Political Science, U.C. San Diego
Assistant Adjunct Professor of Law, University of San Diego
Political Science, SSB 367
9500 Gilman Drive
La Jolla, CA  92093-0521
dmschreiber (at) ucsd (dot) edu