

Not sure what you are referring to by "problems seeing lots of differences."
eddy_correct does eddy current correction using linear registration to the
first b0 image.



-----Original Message-----
From: FSL - FMRIB's Software Library [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf
Of Torsten Ruest
Sent: Tuesday, July 27, 2010 8:41 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: [FSL] eddy current correction in DTI

Thanks Matt for the quick reply. But what about the eddy correction in
general not considering the registration process. Would that improve image
quality at all using a Spin Echo sequence, ie by removing residual
distortions etc? I have even problems seeing lots of differences when
looking at eddy corrected EPI DTI data, which doesn't mean that it's not
doing it!

