Hi Folks

I have a practical question, and my search strategies have failed me, so I wondered if one of you good people could help me out faster than trawling libraries.

I'm publishing a book chapter in which I reference ( in relation to the Leiden system, then Epidoc, so its not entirely off topic... )

Van Groningen, B. A.. “Projet d'unification des systemes de signes critiques”. Chronique d'Egypte 7 (1932a). 262-269.

The publisher wants to know first names of all authors, and I cannot dig out what Van Groningen's Christian names are.

Anyone know off the top of their heads?

(Always interesting to see what you cant find in this new digital world....)


Melissa M. Terras MA MSc DPhil CLTHE CITP FHEA
Senior Lecturer in Electronic Communication
Department of Information Studies
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Deputy Director, UCL Centre for Digital Humanities: http://www.ucl.ac.uk/dh/
General Editor, Digital Humanities Quarterly: http://www.digitalhumanities.org/dhq/