

I am a student at the University of Strathclyde, currently studying for a MSc in Information and Library Studies. To complete the course I am undertaking a research dissertation. My research project is looking into the levels of user access that exist in museum libraries. 

To carry out this research I would like to ask if any members of ARLIS who work in museum libraries would consider participating in an online questionnaire to help with my research. The questionnaire will take a maximum of 10 minutes to complete. The questionnaire contains questions related to the topic of access in museum libraries today. No personal information is required as the questions only ask about the library and not about any individuals. If it is convenient, please could the questionnaire be completed by the 2nd August 2010. 

All information provided in the questionnaire will be held securely and will not be shared with any other parties. The information provided will be retained for the duration of the research project and will then be disposed of securely in September once the research project is completed. 

The information you provide in the questionnaire will be valuable and contribute greatly to my research project.
Please use the following link to participate in the online questionnaire.

I have also sent this online questionnaire to a number of museum libraries directly. Apologies to anyone who may already have received this questionnaire through their museum library.

Your participation is greatly appreciated.
Thank you for your time.

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