

A bout de souffle

	via Jean-Luc Godard

Ask Patricia if it’s

broke in december 
owes me,
unhappy because I’m not
telegram saying, “I completely forgot.”

Did you notice I followed you last night,

Soon means soon.
Others think you’re bluffing.
Up close you look like a Martian,
Funny I can see myself in your eyes.
Laid them out like this.
Eye for beauty, Beauty.

Barry Alpert / Silver Spring MD US / 7-7-10 (11:02 AM)

This text worked out better than expected, especially considering my casual attitude the evening I witnessed the 50th anniversary restored version--rather than the typically serious intentionality I adopt when viewing films during which I predict a writing possibility.  And a physical problem with the thin & somewhat slick paper on which I had to write also affected my activity.  I wasn't paying particular attention to the jump cuts, but considering the earlier discussion here, my editing may bear some relationship to Godard's process.