


At last Thursday's meeting it was decided to move from a CERN phone  
conference to a evo meeting.  The meeting will be at 10am (UK time)  
as usual although the evo room will open slightly earlier, details of  
the meeting are below.  The focus of the meeting will also shift more  
towards Tier 2 issues and all sites are encouraged to attend,  
especially if they have been experiencing problems during the week,  
have questions for ATLAS or are planning an outage.

Minutes from the meeting will be continued to be posted here: https://


Title:		ATLAS UK Computer Operations
Description:	Weekly meeting for UK ATLAS grid sites. Formally booked  
on the phone by Norman McCubbin.
Community:	GridPP
Password:	Tier1

Meeting Access Information:
- Meeting URL

- Password: Tier1
- Phone Bridge
	ID: 64352
	Password: 6258