


Similarly, I have been asked to give a talk on 'The WLCG Service from a 
Tier-2 Viewpoint'. Please send me any comments you have on

- "how you perceive the service you deliver, what is requested of you 
from the experiments / WLCG, your frustrations and wishes etc" and more 

- how good you feel communications are with the 'WLCG' in general and 
your understanding of it's Management Board decisions, the discussions 
at the GDB etc

- how happy are you with the communication with the experiments? Do the 
channels of communication work?


On 29/06/2010 15:27, Mike Kenyon wrote:
> Hi All,
> As discussed briefly during the dteam meeting today, I've been asked
> to talk a little about "Grid user analysis support" at the upcoming
> WLCG workshop. The remit of this appears to be quite broad, covering
> all users/VOs.
> Points for discussion may include:
> - Do you feel fully connected with the VO?
> - Are you aware of the communication/support channels to the VOs?
> - Are there things missing here that you'd like to see?
> If you have any input regarding this, then pass it on to me (sooner,
> rather than later ;-) and I'll bring it up next week.
> Cheers,
> Mike