

>>>>> catalin condurache writes:

 > We believe the problem is rectified now. It appeared that CERN-PROD
 > was pumping too much information into the BDII, much more than what
 > was expected to be processed by the top BDII cache at RAL T1. Our
 > BDII experts increased some cache limits and now

 > # ldapsearch -x -h -p 2170 -b o=grid
 > | grep ID:

 > GlueSEUniqueID:

 > We expect to see the SAM OPS vo tests for the CE passing OK soon, and
 > also the the UK wide problems to disappear.

To provide a bit more detail, the CERN-PROD ldif was rejected by the
info provider script (glite-info-provider-ldap) because it exceeded 5
MB.  The limit can be increased by calling with the following arg:

    -s  Maximum file size in megabytes for a single source.

and to alleviate yesterday's problems, I doubled the limit to 10 MB.

I'll get someone to follow up and see if this is configurable in YAIM,
or is different for the gLite 3.2 release (which we held back on rolling
out due to stability issues).
