

How about just a few hundred?

At 04:45 AM 6/26/2010, you wrote:
>A house without books is not a thing I'd dream about. Couldn't 
>imagine life without books.
>----- Original Message ----- From: "Mark Weiss" <[log in to unmask]>
>To: <[log in to unmask]>
>Sent: Saturday, June 26, 2010 9:25 AM
>Subject: Re: how to organise your books
>>I've built 342 feet of shelves in my apartment. They would have fit 
>>all the books I stored for the five years since I left my last 
>>digs. I tried very hard to refrain from acquiring, but people give 
>>me books, and the flesh is weak. So I disposed of over a thousand 
>>books to a local used book store for $300 dollars. None were worth 
>>a lot, many I'd never read again (or in some cases for the first 
>>time. There was a whole box of missionary magazines from the 1840s, 
>>reports from remote regions. Early anthro, right? Wrong. Not too 
>>many of those guys were particularly observant. Books once thought 
>>classics that would have been fun to read but who has time, so I'll 
>>probably go to my grave not having read The Rise of the Dutch 
>>Republic. Books I really love but only keep because I really love 
>>them--not hard to find another pb of Gatsby when the urge strikes. 
>>The result--I can shelve all my books, but not one more, and they 
>>keep coming. And then there are those seven boxes of books that do 
>>have commercial value, enshrined under my bed. I have dreams of a 
>>house without books.
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