Dear All


Please find below the latest collection update, which is also available at  or via our homepage

Please feel free to circulate this update to any interested colleagues.
Kind Regards
Steve Sharp

Steve Sharp, Knowledge Manager
NHS Evidence - ENT and audiology

Tel 07966 740913



Update Issue 28: June 2010

Welcome to the June update, highlighting the recent additions to the collection - please follow the links for further details of each resource.
We welcome feedback on this and any other aspect of the collection - please contact us with any suggested additions or comments.


Recent Additions to the Collection


SIGN. Management of sore throat and indications for tonsillectomy

Clinical Knowledge Summaries: Tinnitus

Clinical Knowledge Summaries: Vertigo

Newborn Hearing Screening Programme. Guidance for auditory brainstem response testing in babies

Newborn Hearing Screening Programme. Guidelines for fitting hearing aids to young infants

British Society of Audiology. Recommended procedure: the caloric test



Cochrane Systematic Reviews

Speech and language therapy for aphasia following stroke



Other Systematic reviews 



2010 Annual Evidence Update on Rhinitis

Bedside screening tests vs. videofluoroscopy or fibreoptic endoscopic evaluation of swallowing to detect dysphagia in patients with neurological disorders: systematic review

Effectiveness and safety of short vs long duration of antibiotic therapy for acute bacterial sinusitis: a meta-analysis of randomized trials

Management of the clinically negative neck (N0) of supraglottic laryngeal carcinoma: a systematic review 

Systematic reviews on efficacy and safety of beclomethosone nasal spray in the treatment of chronic adenoid hypertrophy in children

Using nasal steroids to treat nasal obstruction caused by adenoid hypertrophy: does it work

Clinical efficacy of traditional Chinese medicine as a concomitant therapy for nasopharyngeal carcinoma: a systematic review and meta-analysis




Systematic reviews of the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of multi-channel unilateral cochlear implants for adults

Systematic review of middle ear implants: do they improve hearing as much as conventional hearing aids?

Does the evidence support use of the Baha implant system (Baha) in patients with congenital unilateral aural atresia?



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