

At 16:40 09/06/2010, you wrote:
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
>I'm glad I am not the only one who feels that about McMillan Nurses- they
>breeze in,and instead of getting their hands dirty, suggest some minor
>change in Rx which, of course, the family think is viery important having
>had a visit from such an expert.
>When it was the job of nurses to empty bedpans, do dressings, and fall in
>love with doctors, one knew where one was and the world was a better place.
>Now that nurses also seem to become senior PCT managers, well, it's no
>wonder it is such a mess.

There are a few (across the country no doubt many) excellent managers 
from a nursing background, but the wholesale introduction of nurses 
as both PCT and hospital managers has sadly not benefited patients or 
(perhaps surprisingly) nurses - except for the individuals earning 
higher salaries.

OTOH the amount you have to pay doctors to take the crap PCT and 
Hospital management take from their bosses is WWWWAAAAAAYYYYYY above 
the PM's salary, and non-nursing managers don't seem any better, so 
if anyone has a practical solution it would be good to hear it.
