


I start a new project and I imported one set of HSQC peaks and theirs assignments. Based on that data and several other spectra I assigned almost the whole protein. I was sure that all my assignments are in one shift list, that I can easily export via FC.
Unfortunately, I noticed I have 2 shift lists and part of the assignments are spilt between the lists, but part of them are common. At this point, I cannot delete one list since I would lose the common assignments, and I cannot export all the shifts in only one file. 
Is it possible to move the assignments from one shift list to another one? Is it possible to merge shift lists? 

Moreover I observed a bizarre contradiction: in Resonances pop-up I can see all the assigned resonances BUT in Chemical Shifts Table there are a lot of resonances missing. For example: residue 25 is fully assigned according to Resonances, but is NOT present in Chemical Shift Table. What could be the problem??    

Many thanks in advance, 


Radu Huculeci, PhD Student
Jean Jeener NMR Center
Molecular Recognition Unit
Structural Biology Brussels - VUB / VIB 
Building E, 4th Floor
Pleinlaan 2, 1050 Brussels
tel. NMR: +32 (0)2 6291153
gsm: +32 (0)488171345
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