

Dear All,

I did 1st level F-test with informed basis functions and multi-sessions (each session has the same design matrix columns). Now I move to 2nd level analysis and encounter the following questions. I spent the whole afternoon and evening in trying to find anwsers in the previous posts but got none. So does anybody can help me? My SPM edition is SPM8.

i) The first level analysis produced image files prefixing with beta, ess and spmF (but not con as in the example in the manual.) So, which kind of image files should I select for the 2nd level analysis?

ii) If the beta should be used, then a further question:
I have several sessions, and so have several beta images for each regressor per subject. Since the relationship of beta images within one subject (between sessions) should be different from that of between subjects, it seems unreasonable to simply pool these sessions as subjects. So, what is the reasonable solution? 

a) firstly average the corresponding images across sessions within each subject and then only input the average images for the group analysis? Is this reasonable if not best? (note: session effect is not what I care about.)
b) take sessions as an independent varibale? In this case, how should I define the contrast (for the 2nd level analysis) for informed basis function? As I know, the original form should be eye (n); but now what should it be? 
c) any other better solutions?

Looking forward to your help. Many thanks!