

Hi Stephen,
The manner in which an image is displayed on the screen has nothing to
do with whether L/R is properly coded within the orientation fields of
the image file.  SPM, by default, chooses to display images in a
"neurological" display, such that (assuming the orientation info in the
file is correct) the left hemisphere displays on the left side of the
screen.  Other tools, such as FSLview and Analyze choose to display
images in a "radiological" display such that the left hemisphere is
displayed on the right side of the screen.

-Mike H.

On Tue, 2010-05-25 at 17:05 +0100, Stephen Paisey wrote:
> Dear Developers and users,
> We have imaged rats with a brain lesion on the right hand side on a Bruker scanner using Paravision 5.0. I have then used analyze 9.0 to convert the raw bruker files into and img/hdr file pair. The images in analyze 9.0 are displayed the correct way around but when I load them in spm5 (i am using this version for its compatibility with the spmmouse extension) i get an image which has been left right inverted i.e. the lesion is now on the left side of the brain. I can get around this by flipping the image the wrong way around before i read it into spm but this is clearly a bug which could lead to totally wrong experimental results. It is lucky i had non symmetrical rats otherwise i probably wouldn't have spotted the error. 
> Best Regards
> Stephen