Amen to that. We all operate from our own history of experience, and the methods we use and the frames of meaning differ accordingly. I look forward to coming together in peace and joy and we explore our journeys together. 


Date: Tue, 18 May 2010 15:14:19 +0000
From: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: Education and Learning Virtual Networking Stream for ALARA's 8th World Congress
To: [log in to unmask]

Dear All,
There are just two comments I wish to contribute before signing off this thread:
There are several different approaches to PAR, AR., ways of seeking to improve professional practice, or to work with others to address agreed issues...... as the literature or a BERA or CARN conference illustrate..
There are different motivations for our work.
I hope there is space for us all.

From: Pip Bruce Ferguson <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask]
Sent: Tue, 18 May, 2010 9:13:27
Subject: Re: Education and Learning Virtual Networking Stream for ALARA's 8th World Congress

Hi all

One of the important parts of reflection is silence. I think it's about time I practised some. Here's to Alan's 'pregnant pauses', Robyn's appreciation of well meant perspectives, Ernie's celebrations, Barra's smiles, Paul's egolessness (is there such a word?) Cherie's joy, Marie's gentleness and Susan's passion. You're all plaiting a multi-coloured but strong cord.

Signing out on this particular thread meanwhile, I think I've dominated quite enough!

Warm regards to all


On 18/05/2010 7:51 p.m., Robyn Pound wrote:
Dear All, 
One thing that can be said about this forum is that contributions emerge from the well meant perspectives of those who make them.  None of us can know how our words will be understood by others.  The joy of it is being able to have such free acess to other views in the forming of our own.  We all need some resilience to withstand the consequences of offering opinions.  Long may we feel able to do it.
I sat up last night to read a new graphic novel, Couch Fiction: A Graphic Tale of Psychotherapy. by Philippa Perry and Junko Graat.  Palgrave Macmillan 2010
An excellent window on the perceptions of two people in therapeutic conversation. 
I recommend it

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