

On Mon, 2010-05-24 at 10:07 +0000, Tina Bass wrote:
> I thought about leaving the list 

Tina, please stay and if you know any strident feminists, ask them to
join. (I have taken a valium and am beginning to calm down.)

About my postings of the real effects of my CFS illness. That very real
corporeal affects of real blood and flesh bodies is my poetics. A
poetics which critiques and opposes the idealist notions of the body
brought to us by Nietzsche and the absolute idealism of Deleuze's
concept of the body. 

Poets and artists, such as myself, and anyone else who has different
ways of being real bodies, I would like to see posting more to the list,
trying to figure out real problems we are having with our poetics and
aesthetics and will make this list stronger. 

Reactivity, a voice of ironic cynicism, is patriarchy's hatred of real
poetry writing and real bodies.

have chronic fatigue syndrome so may be delayed in reply or brain fog weird

just to let you know that's all, Chris Jones.
