

Dear Owain,

Thanks for this short, useful summary of an issue that still continues to trouble many doctoral programs in our field. Your wrote,

"you might want to consider the differences between design practice as a METHOD of data collection, and design practice as a SOURCE of data.  This distinction will lead you to quite different ways to set up a research study that integrates design practice. It will also lead you to different kinds of outcomes."

The failure to understand this distinction leads to significant methodological problems. These problem often make what should or could be a challenging but relatively straightforward process difficult and problematic, requiring long and frequently unsuccessful forays into methodological and epistemological arguments that few doctoral candidates are prepared to sustain.

Best regards,


Ken Friedman, PhD, DSc (hc), FDRS

Swinburne Design
Swinburne University of Technology
Melbourne, Australia

Phone Dean's Office +61 3 9214 6078
Phone Faculty Switchboard +61 3 9214 6755