

I know the bare minimum about food hygiene stuff - contacted  the list for help and as usual got a wealth of information back (thanks!) . Today I have been doing food handler medicals - fairly horrified when I saw one poor chap who had an exacerbation of his psoriasis. It was affecting his arms, legs, feet, hands, around the eyes, scalp and most alarmingly the ears where he had many lage "plaques". I am fairly certain that he shouldnt be handling food at the moment ,  am happy to say so and recommend redeployment but how are these issues managed from this point on? I cant imagine that this will get better overnight but he is employed as a caterer so cant imagine that longer term redeployment is feasible - what do colleagues in food industry do in such circumstances and how long would someone be redeployed for?

Sharon Naylor
HMPS Occupational Health Advisor
*Please note new number at Lartin*
Long Lartin 01386 295310 (Monday, Tuesday and Friday)
Birmingham 0121 345 2606 (Wednesday and Thursday)

"Those that do not find some time every day for health must sacrifice a lot of time one day for illness"  Sebastian Knieff

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