Dear Colleagues,


Prostate cancer in the African Caribbean community

Sharing knowledge and good practice


The Prostate Cancer Charity would like to invite you to our free African Caribbean Shared learning event on Wed 30th June 2010 at The King’s Fund, London.


African Caribbean men in the UK are three times more likely to develop prostate cancer than white men of the same age, yet evidence suggests lower awareness of prostate cancer, signs and symptoms and available services in this community.


This event aims to share knowledge of the issues of prostate cancer in the African Caribbean community, exploring research, examples of good practice and areas for future work. Guests are also invited to an evening drinks reception which will include speeches from special guests. 

For further information and registration details please see the attached flyer. A full programme will be available shortly.

For more information please email [log in to unmask] or telephone 020 8222 7655.