

Dear all,

I am contacting list members on behalf of the Regional Leads for Migration and Health in three northern regions: NE, NW and Yorkshire and the Humber.

We are developing a toolkit for committees involved in the development of Joint Strategic Needs Assessments, to help them consider and take into account issues relating to asylum seekers, refugees and migrants. We are including some short case studies, and are very interested to include one or two examples where:

- the process of writing the JSNA has involved an element of consultation with migrant/refugee communities, or third sector organisations working closely with these communities
- the development of the JSNA has led to the commissioning of a service addressing migrant/refugee health

Please contact me if you have an example of the above. Thank you.

Best wishes,

Ruth Wilson
tandem communications and research
07930 580533

The regional migration and health leads for the three Northern regions are gathering information for a toolkit which will help commissioners and planners ensure that Joint Strategic Needs Assessments (JSNAs) increasingly take into account the health challenges that migration brings and identify cost-effective solutions.

We are keen to include short case studies of interesting practice, to demonstrate the different ways that services can effectively engage with a range of migrant communities.

Definition of migrants for this toolkit

All new migrants (arrived in the last ten years), including: refugees; asylum seekers; migrant workers; trafficked persons; undocumented migrants; family joiners (spouses or dependants).

It includes adults and children under 18 (accompanied or unaccompanied). For more details see:

The Regional Leads for Migration and Health in the NE, NW and Yorkshire and Humber regions are:

 Susy Stirling, Regional Lead for Migration and Health, Y and H Region (assisted by Ruth Wilson and Hannah Lewis, tandem)

Alison Ricketts, Regional Lead for Migration and Health, NW Region (assisted by Cath Maffia, TS4SE)

David Chappel, Regional Lead for Migration and Health, NE Region (assisted by Elaine Rodger)