Interpreter Trainers to Convene in New Brunswick, New Jersey for First Ever National Symposium Focused on Medical Interpreter Education

June 12, 2010
Rutgers University
New Brunswick, New Jersey

Trainers, instructors, language coaches, and curriculum designers of medical interpreting educational programs will gather on the New Brunswick campus of Rutgers University, in New Jersey, on Saturday, June 12, 2010 for the first annual National Symposium on Medical Interpreter Education. The theme of the symposium is:

Medical Interpreter Education, A New Standard.

"While many language access advocates are thrilled with the increased numbers of training programs across the country, there is still more to be done. -Training opportunities are often insufficient to adequately prepare a student to become a fully self-reliant professional interpreter," said Anita Coelho Diabate, Vice-President of the International Medical Interpreters Association, IMIA. "Even though I graduated from a one year Interpreter Program and later obtained an additional specialized 2 semester Certificate in Mental Health Interpreting from Cambridge College, I feel I have barely scratched the surface."

"Now is the time to embrace the new national standard and educate our peers of its value. Symposium participants can take an active role in this national process by joining various projects that are in progress, whose work will be discussed at the symposium,"said Hank Dallman, Trainer at Robert Wood Johnson Medical Center.

Participants will learn of the latest best practices and trends in medical interpreter instruction, and how to overcome the current challenges of interpreter education professionals. Key topics to be discussed include an overview of the different types of training programs and venues in which  interpreter education takes place, the latest updates on different technologies, training for national certification, internships and practicums, applying for CEU credits, the National Trainers Code of Ethics, and the upcoming IMIA Accreditation Standards for interpreter training programs.  

"This event marks a great networking opportunity for interpreter educators nationwide to meet in a more focused way to share ideas and knowledge related to their own working needs." said Izabel S. Arocha, M.Ed, IMIA President "While focusing on what happens in the US, there will be very useful information for international trainers.This will certainly become an annual event."

For save the date flyer go to:

To register go to:

Ads are available for the program booklet ($150 for full page ad and $75 for half page ad)

For more information about the First Annual Medical Interpreter Symposium, please contact
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