
Network people said that there is no filter neither firewall between this machines and internet.

Why does the output stop at the end of a section? Maybe is it a problem with another node? (SE)

We have installed a new site_BDII with gLite 3.2 (cmgbdii.mieres.uniovi.es)  and we still have the same issue...

Any other ideas?

Thank you

2010/5/21 PIR Admin <[log in to unmask]>

2010/5/21 Maarten Litmaath <[log in to unmask]>

Hi Stephen,

>> This looks like a problem with a router/firewall at your site...
> Hmm ... there was also this recent ggus ticket which seems to be similar
> but the other way round ...
> https://gus.fzk.de/ws/ticket_info.php?ticket=58115

Same conclusion nonetheless...

In this case, ldapsearch gets stuck on different places, but always at the end of a "section", the last two lines always are:

GlueSchemaVersionMajor: 1
GlueSchemaVersionMinor: 3

Shorter commands like this finish just fine:

ldapsearch -x -H ldap://cmgce.mieres.uniovi.es:2170 -b o=grid objectclass=GlueService

Anyway, if there is something wrong with the network we'll find it.
