

I am a postdoc student at Florida International University; I have been using fsl for 3 years by now. I have tried to automate the operation of fsl via scripting. I have been succesful in automating the processing of 1 contrast model, but I have not been able to automate 2 or more contrasts.

I  have written the script to mimic the structure of the desing.fsf used in the operation of fsl so I can automate the processing of several datsets with one single contrast, but I have failed to aautomate 2 or more contarst design in fsl (modifying designTemplateFEAT.fsf ).


I have executed manually fsl to process a RH-LH finger tapping paradigm  to compare to the file generated by my script. On runing my script with multi contrasts, fsl performs the prestat part but it  stops after a while generating the error message ERRORS OCURED DURING THE ANALYSIS.


I have noticed that there is a file called:


Which  has:

/ContrastName1    rh

/ContrastName2    lh

/NumWaves   2

/NumContrasts     2

/PPheights        1.279210e+00      1.279210e+00

/RequiredEffect         1.285 1.285



1.000000e+00 0.000000e+00

-1.000000e+00 0.000000e+00


The same file is generated when I run my script whit the following content:





I would appreciate any reference or hint to write a script that generates a model with more than 1 contrast. I thought it was only needed to write these lines on the design.fsf file but I was wrong.


# Number of contrasts

set fmri(ncon_orig) 2

set fmri(ncon_real) 2


Any help is deeply appreciated.





Magno R. Guillen, PhD
Office: 2220 ECE Building
Phone: (305) 348 - 4106
College of Engineering
Center of Advanced Education & Technology  - CATE
Florida International University - FIU

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