

Hi Steve,

I've found that the dicom-conversion that was used for scans at time1 and time2 differ. The scans for time 1 were in a nifti-format, but no one can recall the original conversion and the scripts were lost in a computer crash.

As a result I did a new dicom-conversion for time 1, so the scan would match the time 2 conversion (Analyze 7.5). I also asked to have the FSL linux version updated to make sure we have the latest version for both mac and linux. SIENA seems to run fine now for both OSs. come you get different results for PBVC when using the exact same images in Linux versus Mac? For both linux and mac I have used FSL 4.1.5 and SIENA 2.6. It's not a big difference (-.3762 vs -.3907), but it should be the same right? Cause when I repeat SIENA for the same brains within the same OS, the results are exactly the same.

Any ideas or recommendations hoe to deal with this?