

     Randomise should output at the start of each contrast the number of permutation required for an exhaustive test - eg.

"70 permutations required for exhaustive test of f-test 1"

If this number doesn't match equal 840 for your contrast then we can investigate further..

Many Regards


> I think this is simply because you've got a small sample of 8 subjects and, depending on which contrast you're looking at, the number of permutations required for exhaustive test are different. 
> I'm not sure though how 840 permutations are exhaustive for correlations in 8 subjects (cf end of randomise manual for counting the number of permutations). Matt, Tom, how is this calculated if not n! ?
> Hope this helps,
> Gwenaelle
>> Hi
>> I have been trying to run tbss randomise (for correlation
>> between  a group of 8 subject's DTI data and their
>> behavioral scores) for some reason the TBSS stops after 840
>> permutation on a certain t -test (I have no idea which one
>> but it looks like it's the same one every time) the stats
>> directory  then contains all the required tbss files
>> but i don't know if it means anything. the same thing
>> happened for the same Glm with deifferent dffusion devices
>> (FA and L23) however it didn't haqppen when i run the
>> randomise with a different Glm containing different test
>> scores of the same 8 subjects
>> what can be the reason and how can i fix it?
>> attached is the Glm used when the permutaions stopped in
>> case it is the problem.
>> thanks 
>> reut
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> Gwenaëlle Douaud, PhD
> FMRIB Centre, University of Oxford
> John Radcliffe Hospital, Headington OX3 9DU  Oxford  UK
> Tel: +44 (0) 1865 222 523  Fax: +44 (0) 1865 222 717
> --------------------------------------------------------------------