def usage(): return """Python script to generate a synthetic photograph. Requirements: Phenix must be installed and on path. Mosflm must be installed and "ipmosflm" on path. Usage: 1. First index the dataset using labelit.index. Typical syntax to index two images is labelit.index /home/data/project/dataset1_1_E1_###.img 1 90 2. Then labelit.precession_photo Example: labelit.precession_photo bravais_choice=1 \\ pixel_width=600 \\ resolution_outer=3.0 \\ intensity_full_scale=1000 \\ plot_section="H,K,0" \\ image_range=1,90 \\ pdf_output.file="HKL.pdf" 3. Command line arguments explained: labelit.precession_photo --help Known limitations: a) Since the source images are rotation photographs, there is an inherent approximation in assuming that the data was obtained at the central rotation angle (0.5 degree in a 0.0 to 1.0 rotation). b) Real precession photographs are obtained with a finite-width annulus; however the approximation here is one of an infinitesmal-width opening. c) This is a naive implementation that reads all of the data into memory first before calculating the image. More efficient algorithms will be implemented later. Author: Nick Sauter, LBNL; May 8, 2010. Released under the CCTBX license; see """ import math,pickle,os import libtbx.phil precession_master_phil = libtbx.phil.parse(""" labelit_precession { pixel_width = 1500 .type = int .help = "Width of pixel grid on which to calculate the synthesized image; must be sufficiently large to sample the Bragg spots" resolution_outer = 4.0 .type = float .help = "The high-resolution limit (Angstroms) for the synthesized image" bravais_choice = None .type = int .help = "Crystal setting (integer ID#), as enumerated in labelit.index output, chosen for the synthesized section; print a list with labelit.stats_index" plot_section = None .type = str .help = "Miller indices of the section to be synthesized, comma separated, no spaces, such as H,0,L" image_range = None .type = ints(size=2) .help = "Range of data frames (inclusive) to be used for synthesized image, i.e., min frame no.,max frame no., no spaces" intensity_full_scale = 255 .type = int .help = "Image intensity to be used as full scale (black)" pdf_output { file = None .type = str .help = "File name for pdf output" } } """) from scitbx import matrix from scitbx.array_family import flex from cctbx.crystal_orientation import crystal_orientation from cctbx.uctbx import unit_cell from spotfinder.diffraction.imagefiles import Spotspickle_argument_module,image_files from labelit.dptbx import AutoIndexEngine, Parameters from labelit.command_line.imagefiles import QuickImage from annlib_ext import AnnAdaptor def get_precession_parameters(sources=[]): parameters = precession_master_phil.fetch(sources=sources) #validation not done here return parameters def ai_factory(inputpd): subpd = inputpd["best_integration"] ai = AutoIndexEngine(inputpd["endstation"],inputpd["recommended_grid_sampling"]) P = Parameters(xbeam=float(inputpd["xbeam"]),ybeam=float(inputpd["ybeam"]), distance=float(inputpd["distance"]),twotheta=float(inputpd["twotheta"])) ai.setBase(P) ai.setWavelength(float(inputpd['wavelength'])) ai.setMaxcell(float(inputpd['ref_maxcel'])) ai.setDeltaphi(float(inputpd['deltaphi'])*math.pi/180.) ai.setMosaicity(subpd["mosaicity"]) ai.setOrientation(subpd["orient"]) return ai def get_col(n,sqr): return matrix.col((sqr[n],sqr[n+3],sqr[n+6])) class calculate_miller: def __init__(self,plot_section,ori): labels = "HKL" hkl_list = plot_section.split(",") self.section_number = None for trial_plot_normal_index in [0,1,2]: try: self.section_number = int(hkl_list[trial_plot_normal_index]) self.idx1 = (trial_plot_normal_index+1)%3 assert hkl_list[self.idx1]==labels[self.idx1] self.idx2 = (trial_plot_normal_index+2)%3 assert hkl_list[self.idx2]==labels[self.idx2] self.idx0 = (trial_plot_normal_index+3)%3 break except: pass # one of three settings must succeed assert self.section_number!=None assert self.idx0!=None and self.idx1!=None and self.idx2!=None print self.idx0,self.idx1,self.idx2 rmat = matrix.sqr(ori.reciprocal_matrix()) self.unit_recip_basis1 = get_col(self.idx1,rmat).normalize() #like b*-hat self.unit_recip_basis2 = get_col(self.idx2,rmat).normalize() #like c*-hat self.a_hat_perp = self.unit_recip_basis1.cross(self.unit_recip_basis2).normalize() # normal to the plotted plane, like b*-hat x c*-hat self.c_hat_perp = self.a_hat_perp.cross(self.unit_recip_basis1) # second direction of plot, like a-hat-perp x b*-hat self.recip_basis1 = get_col(self.idx1,rmat) self.recip_basis2 = get_col(self.idx2,rmat) self.recip_basis3 = get_col(self.idx0,rmat) #reciprocal angle between recip_basis1 & recip_basis2 angle = math.acos( self.unit_recip_basis2)) #re-expression matrix; (f1.e1 f2.e1) # (f1.e2 f2.e2) self.reexpress = matrix.sqr((self.recip_basis1.length(),self.recip_basis2.length()*math.cos(angle),0., 0., self.recip_basis2.length()*math.sin(angle),0., 0.,0.,1.) ).inverse() def set_dmax(self,dmax): self.dmax=dmax class precession_plot: def HKL_from_xy(self,x,y): # assumes x,y are page coordinates, origin at top left, x down (slow), y left to right (fast) # reciprocal space starts in the middle of page, axis1 to the right, axis2 up width = float(self.P.labelit_precession.pixel_width)/2.0 coord1 = ((float(y) - width)/width)*(1./self.miller_calc.dmax) coord2 = ((-float(x) + width)/width)*(1./self.miller_calc.dmax) #plotting vector, represented in the orthonormal basis e = (b*-hat, c-hat-perp) r = matrix.col((coord1,coord2,0.0)) #re-express in the crystal basis, f = (b*, c*) miller = self.miller_calc.reexpress * r miller3 = self.miller_calc.section_number hkl_list = [0.,0.,0.] hkl_list[self.miller_calc.idx0]=miller3 #print hkl_list #hkl_zero = self.projection_onto_section_zero(hkl_list) hkl_list[self.miller_calc.idx1]=miller[0] hkl_list[self.miller_calc.idx2]=miller[1] #correct for the zero of this section hkl_list = matrix.col(hkl_list) - self.hkl_zero #print "hkl_list",hkl_list if x%50==0 and y%50==0: print "%6d%6d"%(x,y),"%5.1f %5.1f %5.1f"%tuple(hkl_list), return tuple(hkl_list) def projection_onto_section_zero(self,hkl): #compute this point, P, in orthonormal reciprocal coordinates P = matrix.sqr(self.rstbx_ori.reciprocal_matrix()) * matrix.col(hkl) # the plane normal N = self.miller_calc.a_hat_perp #projection of P onto the plane, given that a point on the plane O is 0,0,0 (otherwise Q=P-((P-O).dot(N))*N) Q = P - (*N # these are still orthonormal reciprocal coordinates. Want to convert them back to Miller indices M = matrix.sqr(self.rstbx_ori.direct_matrix()) * Q return M def xy_from_00(self): width = float(self.P.labelit_precession.pixel_width)/2.0 miller =[self.hkl_zero[self.miller_calc.idx1], self.hkl_zero[self.miller_calc.idx2], self.hkl_zero[self.miller_calc.idx0]] r = self.miller_calc.reexpress.inverse()*miller coord1 = r[0] coord2 = r[1] x = -width*(coord2*self.miller_calc.dmax - 1.) y = width * (coord1*self.miller_calc.dmax + 1.) return x/float(self.P.labelit_precession.pixel_width),y/float(self.P.labelit_precession.pixel_width) def get_labelit_index_parameters(self,P): self.P = P # program parameters H = pickle.load(open("LABELIT_possible")) counter = [i["counter"] for i in H] orient = [i["orient"] for i in H] setting_index = counter.index(self.P.labelit_precession.bravais_choice) self.rstbx_ori = orient[setting_index] #analyze the HKL section request self.miller_calc = calculate_miller(self.P.labelit_precession.plot_section,self.rstbx_ori) miller3 = self.miller_calc.section_number hkl_list = [0.,0.,0.] hkl_list[self.miller_calc.idx0]=miller3 self.hkl_zero = self.projection_onto_section_zero(hkl_list) G = pickle.load(open("LABELIT_pickle")) w = float( G['wavelength'] ) = ai_factory(G) self.pixelsz = float(G["pixel_size"]) template = G["file"][G["file"].keys()[0]] I = image_files(Spotspickle_argument_module(template)) a_file = I.filenames.FN[0] self.template = os.path.join(a_file.cwd,a_file.template) self.wildcard_count = self.template.count("#") return self def construct_image_lookup(self): self.reverse_lookup = {} self.all_image_centers = flex.double() self.deltaphi = None for x in xrange(self.P.labelit_precession.image_range[0], self.P.labelit_precession.image_range[1]+1): a_file = self.template.replace("#"*self.wildcard_count, ("%%0%sd"%self.wildcard_count)%x) Q = QuickImage(a_file) if self.deltaphi == None: self.deltaphi = Q.deltaphi assert self.deltaphi == Q.deltaphi phivalue = (Q.osc_start + (Q.deltaphi/2.0))%360.0 #print "image",x,"phi",phivalue self.reverse_lookup[phivalue]=x self.all_image_centers.append(phivalue) self.distance_tree = AnnAdaptor(self.all_image_centers,1) def imagefunc(self,deg): modular_deg = deg%360. self.distance_tree.query(flex.double([modular_deg])) if math.sqrt(self.distance_tree.distances[0]) > self.deltaphi/2.0: return None image_number = self.reverse_lookup.get(self.all_image_centers[self.distance_tree.nn[0]]) return image_number def get_plot_values(self): param = self.P all_images={} # a very large memory sink. Might need a more clever implementation later. # relies on having all the images in memory at the same time. init_value = 235 self.all_values =**2,init_value) self.all_values.resize(flex.grid(param.labelit_precession.pixel_width, param.labelit_precession.pixel_width)) scale_factor = 255./param.labelit_precession.intensity_full_scale uc = self.rstbx_ori.unit_cell() self.miller_calc.set_dmax(param.labelit_precession.resolution_outer) for x in xrange(param.labelit_precession.pixel_width): for y in xrange(param.labelit_precession.pixel_width): #print x,y H,K,L = self.HKL_from_xy(x,y) resolution = uc.d((int(H),int(K),int(L))) if x%50==0 and y%50==0: print "%6.1f"%resolution if resolution < param.labelit_precession.resolution_outer : continue for item in,K,L),self.miller_calc.dmax): #this is a kludge! if the HKL is recorded through the Ewald sphere twice, # only pick up the first time. deg = item[2]*180./math.pi image_number = self.imagefunc(deg) if image_number == None: continue pixelx = int(item[0]/self.pixelsz) pixely = int(item[1]/self.pixelsz) if not all_images.has_key(image_number): filenm = self.template.replace("#"*self.wildcard_count, ("%%0%sd"%self.wildcard_count)%image_number) Q = QuickImage(filenm) all_images[image_number]=Q this_data = all_images[image_number].linearintdata pxl_value = this_data[pixelx,pixely] #print "%4d %4d %7.3f%7.3f%7.3f,%7.3f,%7.2f->%3d x%4d y%4d val %6d"%( # x,y,H,K,L,resolution,deg,image_number,pixelx,pixely,pxl_value) plotted_value = int(pxl_value * scale_factor) if plotted_value > 255: plotted_value = 255 if plotted_value < 0: plotted_value = 0 self.all_values[x,y] = 255 - plotted_value break from reportlab.pdfgen.canvas import Canvas from reportlab.lib.pagesizes import letter from reportlab.lib.units import inch,cm,mm page_origin = (20.,190.) boxedge = 500. class Graph: def __init__(self,fileout): self.c = Canvas(fileout,pagesize=letter) def title(self,text): lines = text.split('\n') self.c.setFont('Helvetica',12) for x in xrange(len(lines)): self.c.drawString(2*cm,(26-0.5*x)*cm,lines[x]) def image(self,pi): self.c.drawInlineImage(pi,page_origin[0],page_origin[1], width=boxedge,height=boxedge) self.c.setFillColorRGB(1,0,0) def dot(self,dc):[0]+(dc[1]*boxedge),page_origin[1]+(boxedge-dc[0]*boxedge),r=1.,stroke=0,fill=1) def __del__(self): class GeneratePDF: def __init__(self,project): self.image_size = project.P.labelit_precession.pixel_width self.R = Graph(project.P.labelit_precession.pdf_output.file) = project.all_values self.section = project.P.labelit_precession.plot_section self.project = project def make_image_plots_detail(self): import Image mode = "L" # black and white HWsizes = (self.image_size, self.image_size) pil_image =,HWsizes) data = list( pil_image.putdata(data) uc = self.project.rstbx_ori.unit_cell() axis = ["a*","b*","c*"][self.project.miller_calc.idx1] axis2 = ["a*","b*","c*"][self.project.miller_calc.idx2] angle = math.acos( self.project.miller_calc.unit_recip_basis2))*180./math.pi self.R.title("One reciprocal lattice plane, %s. Red spot is the %s"%(self.section, self.section.replace("H","0").replace("K","0").replace("L","0"))+""" Unit cell: %s"""%(uc)+""" %s points in the --> direction starting at the red spot"""%axis+""" %s is in the plane at a %5.1f degree angle"""%(axis2,angle) ) self.R.image(pil_image) dotcoords = self.project.xy_from_00() self.R.c.showPage() return self def run(args): if args==[]: print usage() return argument_interpreter = libtbx.phil.command_line.argument_interpreter( master_phil=precession_master_phil,home_scope="hidden_symmetry") parsed_arguments = [] for arg in args: if arg.find("help")>=0: param_master = get_precession_parameters(sources=[]) return else: try: a = argument_interpreter.process(arg=arg) except: print "Unknown file or keyword: %s"%arg print return else: parsed_arguments.append(a) param_master = get_precession_parameters(sources=parsed_arguments) param = param_master.extract() PP = precession_plot().get_labelit_index_parameters(param) PP.construct_image_lookup() PP.get_plot_values() PDF = GeneratePDF(PP) PDF.make_image_plots_detail() if __name__=="__main__": import sys run(sys.argv[1:])