

On Tuesday 11th May between 1pm and 2pm there will be a short workshop about green issues in Labs in the Morar Room. Neil Squires will be talking about the links he’s made with the NHS and other programmes to green the service. Martin Myers will be presenting what he’s doing to save energy in his own lab and Adrian Ralph from Siemens will present an industry perspective and how it can help achieve carbon and cost savings.


The intention is to have no more than 30 minutes of presentations and then have an open discussion about what steps labs could take to become more carbon efficient.


If you have a good green story in your lab and want to present let myself or Neil know [log in to unmask]   and we’ll make sure you get a chance to talk about it.


The final programme is attached.




Dr Rick Jones

Assoc Clin Director, Yorks and Humber SHA NPfIT

Sen Lect, Yorkshire Centre Health Informatics, Univ of Leeds

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