

Hello FSL experts:

Thanks for the previous answer :-)

Regarding ICA and dual regression:

1) regarding the output of dual_regression, I would really appreciate very much if somebody could explain to me what exactly means and what are the difference between these images: 

a:   dr_stage3_ic0000_tfce_corrp_tstat1.nii.gz
b:   dr_stage3_ic0000_tfce_p_tstat1.nii.gz
c:    dr_stage3_ic0000_tstat1.nii.gz

2) I have been researching the archives but I still have this question: What is better that you choose the number the components  or to allow FSL to choose the numbers of them? if the former is better How do you choose a good number, what formula you need to apply? 

3) BTW: I know what means "tfce" but What does means "corrp"

Thank you very much in advance 

 Lorena Jimenez Castro, MD
Postdoc Fellow