

SPM8 Training Workshops near Boston, Massachusetts.

Two types of workshops are currently offered.

  "SPM8 for Basic and Clinical Investigators"  ("BASIC" for short)
  "Network Analysis with SPM8"  ("NETWORK" for short)

See for more details, and registration information.


JUNE 21-25, 2010:   The next BASIC workshop.  This program is now half full.  Register soon, if you are interested.

OCTOBER 11-15, 2010:   The subsequent BASIC workshop. 

OCTOBER 25-29, 2010:  The next NETWORK workshop.

The BASIC workshops are oriented around traditional GLM methods using massively univariate analysis.  There NETWORK workshop focuses on three approaches: Psychophysical Interactions ("PPI" taught by Darren Gitelman), Bivariate analysis (taught in part by Susan Whitfield-Gabrieli) and Dynamic Causal Modelling (DCM, taught by Tom Zeffiro).

NOTE: Class size in all programs is limited, and a minimum number of registrants is required to hold the programs.  This minimum has been passed for the June 21-25 Basic program, which is now definite.  Registration is open for all three programs at this time.