

Hello everyone, I have searched the archives for a resolution to this question but have not come up with anything that helps. I am trying to alter the voxel size of the warped tissue output in New Segment. There was a post that referred to changing the line 211 in spm_preproc_write8.m from vx=1.5, which I have done so. This alters the native space and the dartel import tissue classes to the appropriate voxel size but the warped tissue class remains 1.5x1.5x1.5. I have searched thru the code and do not readily see any other place to specify the warped tissue voxel size. 
Is there a simple way to do this in the code?
I guess, one could go thru the process of reslicing each of the images but was hoping there would be a quick easy way to do this in the code form the beginning.

Thank you all in advance.