Dear  all,

I have a couple of hopefully simple questions in case somebody could help:

(a) I normalise a high-resolution EPI image to the EPI template, to obtain parameters that are then used to normalize the fMRI time-series.
My questions are:
(1) In writing the normalized time-series, are there any arguments in favour of maintaining the default [2 2 2] voxelsize, or in favour of using the native voxelsize [3.75] of my images?
(2) When it comes to the stats, if I have used the [2 2 2] voxelsize, then the FWHM=[8 8 8] should be generally adequate for smoothing; if I used the [3.75] would that mean that I might need to use a higher FWHM?

(b) Just to double check: I have defined a matlabbatch structure, which I have placed in a for-loop changing the input for each subject (I couldn’t work out how to use the one provided, so I improvised a bit). It works fine, but I would just like to double check if I might have missed anything obvious (e.g. in setting up any defaults). This is what I have done – does it seem OK to you?

%set defaults

Begin for-loop going over subjects

Define matlabbatch inputs

spm_jobman('serial', matlabbatch)

End for-loop

Many thanks for your help!


Yannis Paloyelis, M.Sc.
PhD Student
Office C3.18 (P080)
MRC Social Genetic and
Developmental Psychiatry Centre
Institute of Psychiatry,
King's College London
De Crespigny Park
SE5 8AF London
Tel. +44-20-7848-5403
Fax +44-20-7848-0866